Cavendish Waters Construction Update - 27/04/23

A warm welcome to all our stakeholders and potential investors to our Cavendish Waters update for April 23.

We are delighted to announce the first stage of the ground investigation has been completed. Initially, a ground penetrating radar
investigation was carried out to ensure that no live services remain on site. Window samples were then taken by Earth Environmental Ltd. All samples were logged and sent off to the laboratory to analyse for potential contaminants. This will take three to four weeks for the report to be received.

Once received, this will be scrutinised to highlight whether soils are inert or contaminated. Should any contaminants be found, a remediation strategy will be produced to ensure any spoil removed from site will be responsibly disposed of, and how any remaining hotspots are to be treated to prove inert.

In the coming days, the deep drilling rig will be on site to determine the ground make up, which will give the structural engineer the information to determine the best foundation strategy.

The whole team here are keen to get started on the project, particularly given the popularity of the development.

Investors have seen the real value in this project, due to it’s great location which sits close to both Liverpool City Centre and Everton’s brand new football stadium.

We would as always, like to take this opportunity to thank all our current and prospective investors for your continued support to further enhance our Liverpool legacy.

Watch the video here.